Development of two fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solvers for simulations of highly deformable nonlinear slender structures.
The latest version of Nektar++, v5.2.0, was released on the 23rd August 2022.
The 6th annual Nektar++ Workshop will bring together developers and users of all experiences to hear about new and future developments in the Nektar++ spectral/hp element framework and the exciting science and engineering being undertaken with the code. The three days will include a comprehensive programme of talks and a poster session. The workshop will be run […]
The Nektar++ team recently gave an online seminar as part of the Computer Physics Communications seminar series.
In this post we will explain how to compile and run Nektar++ on the JUWELS supercomputer. The JUWELS supercomputer consists of two modules, the cluster module and the booster module. The booster module contains Nvidia GPU accelerators, and is not going to be covered in this post. Instead, we will focus on the booster module, […]
For complex geometries, we can use Solidworks to build the CAD model and use star-ccm+ for mesh generation. This blog gives a step-by-step instruction on the mesh generation of a round-tip wing.
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2022.224
The vortex dynamics of leading-edge vortices on plunging high-aspect-ratio (AR = 10)
wings and airfoils were investigated by means of volumetric velocity measurements,
numerical simulations and stability analysis to understand the deformation of the
leading-edge vortex filament and spanwise instabilities.
Ansys ICEM CFD is a popular mesh generation software. In this blog, we show how to convert the mesh generated by ICEM to Nektar++ format.
In applications Pointwise (or the predecessor Gridgen) is a popular mesh generation software. In this post we go through the procedures to convert the linear mesh generated by Pointwise/Gridgen to arbitrary high order mesh for the solvers in Nektar++.
Spencer Sherwin