You can get started with Nektar++ using our pre-compiled binaries for some operating systems or by directly cloning our git repository.

Binary packages are the easiest way to get started with using Nektar++ as you do not need to compile the code and the packages ensure the required dependencies are also installed. It is also easy to update to newer versions of Nektar++ using your standard package manager for your operating system.

You can also get started quickly with Nektar++ using our docker image.

If you would like to develop or extend the code, we would encourage you to clone our git repository as this allows you to easily receive updates and contribute back to the project.

If you use our software for your research, we would be grateful if you could cite one or more of the following papers.

C. D. Cantwell, D. Moxey, A. Comerford, A. Bolis, G. Rocco, G. Mengaldo, D. De Grazia, S. Yakovlev, J-E. Lombard, D. Ekelschot, B. Jordi, H. Xu, Y. Mohamied, C. Eskilsson, B. Nelson, P. Vos, C. Biotto, R. M. Kirby, and S. J. Sherwin, “Nektar++: An open-source spectral/hp element framework,” Computer physics communications, vol. 192, pp. 205-219, 2015.

D. Moxey, C. D. Cantwell, Y. Bao, A. Cassinelli, G. Castiglioni, S. Chun, E. Juda, E. Kazemi, K. Lackhove, J. Marcon, G. Mengaldo, D. Serson, M. Turner, H. Xu, J. Peiró, R. M. Kirby, S. J. Sherwin, “Nektar++: enhancing the capability and application of high-fidelity spectral/hp element methods”, Computer physics communications, vol. 249, 107110, 2020

This helps demonstrate impact to funding agencies and supports further development of the code.

Pre-compiled Linux packages

Binary packages are available for a number of Linux distributions.


  1. Install our apt key to allow packages to be verified:
    ​sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wget gpg
    wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Create a file nektar.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d with the appropriate URL from the Table 1 below.
  3. Ensure the non-free component is available for your main Debian repository in
    For example,
    deb buster main non-free
  4. Finally, install the code:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nektar++
DebianBookworm (12.x)deb bookworm contrib
DebianBullseye (11.x)deb bullseye contrib
Debian Buster (10.x)deb buster contrib
UbuntuJammy (22.x)deb stretch contrib
UbuntuFocal (20.04)deb focal contrib
UbuntuBionic (18.04)deb bionic contrib
Table 1: APT source lines for Deb-based package repositories


Fedora 35 and Fedora 36 are currently supported.

  1. Add a file nektar.repo to the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/ with the following contents

    substituting <baseurl> for the appropriate line from the table below.
  2. Download and install the GPG key used to sign the packages:
    sudo rpm --import nektar-yum.gpg
  3. Now install the Nektar++ packages as required. For example,
    yum install nektar++-openmpi-incnavierstokes-solver
Base URLs for RPM-based package repositories. Note that $releasever and $basearch are automatically substituted by yum.

Docker image

Nektar++ is available as a Docker image:

docker pull nektarpp/nektar

Compile the Source Code

Git Repository

Anyone can clone a read-only copy of the repository as follows:

git clone nektar++

For more details on obtaining our source code see here.