James Slaughter (Imperial College London) Automotive geometries pose significant challenges for any scale resolving CFD code. Industrial Reynolds Numbers and complex geometries mean significant large grids with equally small timesteps. We show the current state of the automotive pipeline, including the challenges and proposed solutions. The SAE Notchback body, an automotive bluff body, will be […]
Stanisław Gepner (Warsaw University of Technology) For a limited number of flows, like the Taylor-Couette, tools of linear stability might provide explanation for the transition process as a sequence of consecutive supercritical bifurcations. In case of such flows, past the critical threshold, transition process manifests in the entire domain, homogeneously and happens in a relatively […]
Nikesh Yadav (Warsaw University of Technology) We present the first numerical result on the Couette-Poiseuille (CP) flow configuration in the presence of longitudinal grooves. The flow is actuated by movement of the flat wall and pressure imposed in the opposite direction decreasing overall advective velocity of the system. Stationary wall features longitudinal grooves that modify […]
Hongyi Jiang (University of Western Australia) The case of a steady approaching flow past a slender and smooth circular cylinder has been a classical problem in fluid mechanics for over one hundred years, owing to its fundamental significance and extensive practical applications. After presenting an overview of my numerical investigations on the flow past a […]