Alexander Proskurin (Altai state technical university) A magnetohydrodynamic solver, based on the Nektar++ spectral/hp element framework, is presented. The velocity and electric potential quasi-static MHD model is used. The Hunt’s flow in square cross-section duct, and its stability are explored as example. Exponential convergence is achieved and the resulting numerical values were found to have […]
Edward Laughton / David Moxey (University of Exeter)
Ankang Gao (Imperial College London) The flow past a sinuously plunging wing at Reynolds number 10,000 is simulated using the incompressible Navier-Stokes solver of Nektar++. The wing has a NACA 0012 cross-section, an effective aspect ratio of 10 and an angle of attack of 15 degrees. The plunging motion has a reduced frequency from 1 […]
Wei He (University of Liverpool) Inspired by the motion of bird and fish, biofluid mechanics has already brought about aerodynamics design development. The modal instability is analysed for the low Reynolds number separated flow with two alternations in morphing NACA 0012 airfoil: a small bump on the upper surface and a flexible trailing edge. At […]
Mohsen Lahooti (Imperial College London) A high-fidelity fluid-structure interaction (FSI) solver is developed in the Nektar++ framework. The FSI solver aims at simulation of highly deformable slender structures in largly separated high Reynolds number flows with applications to aeroelasticity and vortex-induced vibration of wind turbine blades. Thikc-strip method is adopted to reduce the computational costs […]
Hari Sundar (University of Utah, USA) We present two projects that aim to improve the linear algebra backend performance within nektar++. The first is an Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) module with support for high-order discretizations. While AMG is conventionally applied in a black-box fashion, agnostic to the underlying geometry, we use the geometric information — when […]
Max Carlson (University of Utah, USA) There exist natural phenomena such as anomalous diffusion that have apparent non-local behavior that can be more faithfully represented using fractional-order differential equations. Since these fractional operators are non-local, traditional discretizations for ODEs and PDEs will not be sparse and require super-linear computational complexity to solve. Because of this […]
Vidhi Zala (University of Utah, USA) In the simulation sciences, capturing real-world problem features as accurately as possible is desirable. Methods popular for scientific simulations such as the finite element method (FEM) and the finite volume method (FVM) use piecewise polynomials to approximate various characteristics of the problem, such as the concentration profile of chemicals […]
Mike Kirby (University of Utah, USA)
Daniel Lindblad (Imperial College London) Jet noise has remained the dominant source of aircraft noise during take-off since jetliners were introduced over half a century ago. To date, most reductions in jet noise have been achieved by increasing the diameter of the engine, thereby reducing the jet velocity while keeping the thrust constant. In the […]