December 13th – 15th, 2021, Online

UPDATE (08/12/2021)

Unfortunately, due to the rapid increase in number of cases of coronavirus in London and the work-from-home guidance issued by both the UK government and Imperial College London, we are no longer able to run an in-person component to this meeting. The meeting will now take place entirely on-line. The information below has been updated accordingly.


The 5th annual Nektar++ Workshop will bring together developers and users of all experiences to hear about new and future developments in Nektar++ and the exciting science and engineering being undertaken with the code. This year, we will host the workshop in an online-only manner. In-person participation is no longer possible due to UK government COVID restrictions.

The afternoon sessions will include a comprehensive programme of talks, while the morning sessions will include lectures and tutorials on the Spectral/hp element method in partnership with the ITN on Stability and Sensitivity Methods for Flow Control and Industrial Design (SSeCoID). Following the workshop, there will be the opportunity for developers and users to discuss and work on specific aspects of the code.


The schedule is shown below. Abstracts and recordings of the presentations are available for some of the items in the schedule.

Day 1 (13th December)

Day 2 (14th December)

Day 3 (15th December)


The workshop is free to attend.


Registration for the workshop is now available at: