Contributing to Nektar++

We encourage people who extend the code to help with their research to contribute those changes back into the main codebase for the benefit of other researchers. We have a number of tools and processes to help this including a code repository, a testing framework, code review and a continuous integration system.

Installing Nektar++ on OS X through MacPorts or Homebrew

This post briefly summarises how to install Nektar++ using either the MacPorts or Homebrew package managers. Both of these install a version of Nektar++ that includes MPI for parallel execution, ARPACK for stability analysis, FFTW for homogeneous expansions, PETSc support and a full set of solvers. They can also both be used to install development versions of Nektar++.

Nektar++ on Copper (Cray XE6)

Copper is a Cray XE6 system and supports research programs of the United the States Department of Defense (DoD). The system is provided for computationally based science and engineering and is intended for high performance computing, large-scale storage, and utility computing.

Nektar++ on the Mira Cluster

Mira is a Blue Gene/Q supercomputer ran by the Argonne national laboratory. As of 2016, it is ranked as the fifth-fastest supercomputer in the world. If you are interested in using Nektar++ on Mira, please read on. Users of Mira often have access to Cetus, a smaller  cluster with the same architecture as Mira. The […]

Formula 1

Nektar++ has been used to investigate the flow dynamics and vortex generation behind the front section of a Formula 1 racing car. The above image shows the flow trajectory, coloured by pressure, at a Reynolds number of 220,000, based on the chord of the main-plane of the front-wing. The simulation has 13 million degrees of […]

Profiling using Solaris Studio

Oracle Solaris Studio is a free proprietary development suite that includes compilers and analysis tools. It is available ​from here for free download upon a quite non-restrictive license agreement and it can be used locally on Linux machines with Java installed. On the internal Nektar++ compute nodes it is made available by running This pages describes how to use […]