Installing Nektar++ on OS X through MacPorts or Homebrew

This post briefly summarises how to install Nektar++ using either the MacPorts or Homebrew package managers. Both of these install a version of Nektar++ that includes MPI for parallel execution, ARPACK for stability analysis, FFTW for homogeneous expansions, PETSc support and a full set of solvers. They can also both be used to install development versions of Nektar++.


Assuming Homebrew has been installed on your machine (see for instructions), Nektar++ has a GitHub tap, which makes installation straightforward with a single command:

brew tap mdave/nektar && brew install nektar

Installing demos

To install the optional Nektar++ demos, supply the –with-demos option.

brew install nektar --with-demos

Installing latest development version

To install the latest Nektar++ development version, supply the –HEAD option.

brew install nektar --HEAD


Assuming MacPorts has been installed on your machine (see for instructions), a custom Portfile needs to be installed.

mkdir -p $HOME/ports/science/nektar && cd $HOME/ports/science/nektar
curl -O
echo file://$HOME/ports | sudo tee -a /opt/local/etc/macports/sources.conf
sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install nektarpp

Installing development version

To install the latest Nektar++ version, install the nektarpp-devel package.

sudo port install nektarpp-devel