Industry-relevant implicit LES via spectral/hp element methods

In our new work to appear in SIAM Review later this year, we present the successful deployment of high-fidelity Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) technologies based on spectral/hp element methods (SEM) to an industry-relevant configuration. The simulation is carried out on a real automotive car, namely the Elemental Rp1 model (see figure 1). In the paper, we present the common challenges of simulating complex geometries at high Reynolds numbers, by means of SEM numerical technologies. In particular, we outline the key developments that were required to achieve the simulation, from mesh generation to improvements in solver and numerical technology. The simulation represents the first fifth-order accurate transient LES of an entire real car geometry, and constitutes a milestone towards high-fidelity LES in industry. You can find a preview of the article in ArXiv:

Figure 1: Total pressure isocountours Cp0, colored by pressure (left); surface mesh (right).