Interactive Jupyter notebook tutorials

Nektar++ has a series of interactive Jupyter notebook tutorials covering basic to advanced topics. These tutorials are intended for new users and do not need an installed version of Nektar++ on your system to try them. These interactive tutorials will help you understand the Nektar++ terminologies, file types and settings. You will learn how to set up a simulation and associated boundary conditions, run the simulation in serial or parallel and do simple post-processing of the results. You can access these tutorials from Jupyter notebook tutorials


In the following tutorial we introduce some of the basic concepts of the Nektar++ framework by demonstrating how to run the advection diffusion reaction solver that contains a number of different scalar solvers.


These tutorials introduce the fundamental mathematical aspects of the spectral/hp method and how to implement them using components from Nektar++.

Incompressible Navier-Stokes

These tutorials introduce the incompressible Navier-Stokes solver, which is built on top of the core Nektar++ libraries.

Global Flow Stability Computation

In these tutorials we demonstrate how to solve the biglobal stability equations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations to obtain the direct, adjoint and singular value modes. As part of setting up the biglobal equations we also have to solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem and so this is also covered in these tutorials.

Compressible Flow Solver

Mesh Generation