
ADR Solver

Advection Reaction Diffusion (ADR) Solver.

Learning objectives
You will learn
Bsics of mesh and settings for Nektar++
Bsic terminology
Various time integration schemes
Various boundary conditions
Simple mesh generation
Visualizing the results
how to run a simulaiton

Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver

Incompressible flow over a cylinder

none, but it is strongly suggested that you do the ADR tutorial first
Learning objectives
You will learn
Simulation Settings for 2D incompressible flow
Expansion basis and polynomial orders
Setting up a multi-variable simulation
Domain composits and boundaries
Stabilization technique
Setting baoundary conditions for incompressible flow
Initialization of the solution
Concept of Filters and calcualtion of aerodynamic forces and modal energy
Quasi-3D simulation
Running the solver in serial and parallel
Simple post-processing and visualizatoin of the results

Basic 1D examples

Theory of spectral-hp element method

None. However, having a basic knowlege of numerical methods and Galerkin Fininte Elemenet is helpful
Learning objectives
You will learn
Weak Galerkin formualtion of 1D problem
Numerical Integration and differentiation
Gaussian quadrature
Set up and solve a 1D Helmholtz equation

Your first mesh with NekMesh

NekMesh mesh generator

none, but it is strongly suggested that you do one of the getting started tutorials first
Learning objectives
You will learn
How to generate mesh with NekMesh
Basic setting for mesh generation
How to add boundary layer
How to refine a region
Export and prepare the mesh for Nektar++

Post-processing FieldConvert utility

FieldConvert Utility

none, but it is strongly suggested that you do one of the getting started tutorials first
Learning objectives
You will learn
Nektar++ output file formats
Supported visualization software
Basics of FieldConvert Utility
Basics of FieldConvert modules
How to compute new fields such as velocity magnitude
How to compute vorticity
How to visualize your soultion results

Forced vibration

Forced vibration of circular cylinder

Basic terminology
Basics of mesh generation
Basics of simulation settup and preparation of session file
Basics of Post processing
Incompressible Navier-Stokes tutorial
Learning objectives
You will learn
Concept of mapping and transformed Navier-Stokes equations
Simulation setting for moving (vibrating) cylinder
Deffinition of mapping functions
Calculation of aerodynamic forces
Running the solver
Simple post-processing and visualization of the solution

TS waves

Stability analysis of boundary layer and TS waves

Basic terminology
Basics of mesh generation
Basics of simulation settup and preparation of session file
Basics of Post processing
Incompressible Navier-Stokes tutorial
Learning objectives
You will learn
Setup solution for stability analysis using TS waves problem
Estimation of inflow velocity profile
Computation of base flow
Setting the initial conditions
Settings for the purturbed flow
Solving linearised Navier-Stokes equations

Basic Explicit Compressible Navier-Stokes Solver

Explicit compressible N.S. flow over circular cylinder

Learning objectives
You will learn
Basics of terminology
Solver settings for compressible flow

Basic Compressible Euler Solver

Compressible flow over NACA0012 using Euler Sovler

Learning objectives
You will learn
Basics of terminology
Simulation settings for 2D compressible flow
Expansions for conservative variables
Farfield and wall boundary conditions for Euler equations simulation
Explicit and Implicit solution setting and simulation using Euler Solver
Restarting the solver from a previous result
Visualization of the flow around NACA0012 airfoil